Elements Music Experience

Learn music as a Language and develop a Musical Brain. Elements Music Experience (Elements ME) is a revolutionary app that teaches music in a natural, fun, and engaging way. With more than 1,400 short sessions, similar to those of Duolingo and other language learning apps, Elements ME teaches the language of music, allowing users to make use of this language quickly. The pedagogical design of Elements ME allows users to develop the cognitive traits that make music the best tool to train and develop brain skills by training the four main competencies of the music language: Listening, Music Theory, Rhythm, and Reading.A musically activated brain is more receptive and able to perform on high levels on skills like math, language, creativity, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, etcElements ME has the potential to improve the cognitive skills of entire populations, being available as an app for iOS, Android, and (soon) Web.It's time to bring Music Learning to the XXI Century.
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Please remember that you can modify anything on your application until September 23rd, when this stage closes. I am here to guide you through this process and help you build a better application. You must check the platform comments as well as the email you registered regularly, I will be reaching out via these outlets. If you need any technical support in the platform you can message: proyectos.colombia@socialab.com
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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